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The Symposium is, at its core a school for mages, but it is also much more than that. It is based upon an island, levitated by magic into the sky and maintained by the same magic. As it is much larger than is required for the Symposium school itself, it has become a territory dedicated to mages, becoming populated with their homes and shops as well as being the central clearing-house for their shared knowledge.

The Precepts

The Symposium was founded to ensure that magical knowledge does not again disappear from the face of the world for ages. It is a place where mages of all stripes and philosophies may come to freely discourse and share knowledge. Only those who seek to harm others within the demesnes of the Symposium are cast out and excommunicated from this magical community. This is not to say, however, that the Symposium may be fled to, to ensure safety. If a mage has offended, their victim can bring the issue before the Magistrates of the Symposium, to request appropriate retribution. Thus does the magical community police their own, in an attempt to prevent magic from falling into disrepute. Complaints with the Magistrates can be appealed to the Justiciar of the Symposium, who organizes and commands the Magistrates.

Membership as a full mage of the Symposium can be achieved simply by submitting one magical text, detailing an original magical technique, to the community's library, of sufficient scope to be accepted as an initial membership fee. (This needs to be a magical tech that is at least 60 base days.) This permits them all of the rights and privileges -- and responsibilities -- inherent to the rank.

However, the Symposium also accepts both inexperienced mages and the completely uninitiated, as well. Instead of being required to submit a text, these Apprentices are required instead to be sponsored by a full member of the Symposium, and typically repay this debt by assisting them in their magical research and experimentation. Be reassured, though, because the Symposium looks poorly upon mages dealing harm to their assistants, even with temporary polymorph effects. Mages are generally required to undo the damages and make reimbursement to their victim before being reinstated to the Symposium (and reinstatement is not always guaranteed). Apprentice-level members may also serve the Symposium by dealing with a variety of mundane matters, such as keeping the community stocked with supplies, or cleaning various locales. This also helps them develop a variety of general cantrips, of course.

Continuing membership in the Symposium does require additional effort on the part of the members. They are annually generally required to either teach an apprentice for three months, submit another text, albeit it can be of lesser scope than their initial submission (minimum 30 base days), copy a particularly popular text, so that more people can access it, or serve as a Magistrate for the year. Serving as a Magistrate for a year ensures their membership for that year, and the following year, provided there are no complaints with the commission of their duties, and that they remain available as a reserve Magistrate for emergencies. There are only a limited number of active Magistrates at any time, and the Justiciar is the final decider of who gets to be one.

It is not required that mages who wish to join the Symposium reveal any of their magical secrets, beyond their membership dues. It is highly encouraged, however, and the community thrives on an economy of knowledge. Activities such as submitting additional texts, or performing magical research on behalf of the Symposium gains a mage credit with the community, which can be exchanged for various things, such as aid with their own research, or a particularly rare text.


The Symposium island is governed by the forces that maintain it, the same ones that run the school. It is a meritocratic magocracy -- the best mages rule. The official rulers of the Symposium are the Librarian, the Justiciar, and the Logician. Each is selected from the full mages of the Symposium. The three each have their own duties and forces, and join together in council on occasion, for decisions regarding the future of the Symposium. Any of the three can approve an entry to the Symposium's ranks, among other privileges.

The Librarian is the head of the segment of the Symposium that maintains the various libraries of magical knowledge that they have garnered. Several hundred minor mages and magical constructs are employed on a daily basis in the maintenance and operation of these libraries. The Librarian is also in charge of the proper proceedings of the Academy, and numerous more minor mages and constructs are utilized in the upkeep and daily affairs of that centre of magical learning. The Librarian tends to be a reclusive individual, and is rarely seen except on business of extreme import. The Librarian's wing is the second-largest wing of government, following the Logician's.

The Justiciar is the head of the segment of the Symposium that maintains order and justice in the Symposium, and among mages around the world -- whether they like it or not. Directly reporting to the Justiciar are the Magistrates, full mages of the Symposium who have been accepted by the Justiciar to serve one year terms as judges and peacekeepers. As well, numerous magical constructs, constructed and placed for the defense of the Symposium's citadel and island, are maintained by the Justiciar's segment, employing numerous mages, both full and minor. Despite the importance of their task, the Justiciar's wing is the smallest wing of the Symposium's government. As they are largely an institution of learning, rather than of justice, this is sensible. Their numbers are more than sufficient to police the island, as well as to create some trouble for magic-wielding malcontents elsewhere, who might bring the practice of magic into dishonour.

The Logician is the head of the segment of the Symposium that maintains the island itself, and ensures appropriate supplies for the island. From things as simple as organizing the allotment of lecture halls and keeping food supplies constant, to things as complex as maintaining the spells that keep the island in flight, its weather mild, and maintaining the charm bank of the Symposium -- these all fall under the sway of the Logician, and thus, the Logician's segment is the single largest segment of the Symposium's government.

Each full mage of the Symposium, as a mark of their membership, has an amulet with the sigil of the Symposium upon it. Through these minor magical items, the Librarian, the Justiciar, and the Logician can all cast a special spell, available only to them, from which they can swiftly divine the will of the entire membership. The Canvass spell's results are instantly known to all three of them.

The Island

The Symposium is actually a converted island, ripped out of the ocean and made to levitate in the sky. It only has one citadel upon it -- which is aptly called the Citadel. The Citadel is thus, the centre of main activity on the island. It is laid out as a large city, although much of it is still covered with greenery, awaiting people to establish dwellings. The largest structure, in the middle of the Citadel, is the Symposium Academy. This tall, multi-towered building of pure white stone, magically shaped to perfection, contains numerous classrooms, lecture halls, experimental chambers, reference libraries both restricted and non -- in essence, whatever might be needed to both teach and research. As well, the administration of the Symposium is also done from this building.

One of the towers of the Academy is set aside for the Symposium Charm Bank. This tower has magical links through which mages of the Symposium can record services rendered and accepted for each other, allowing them to, in essence, 'pay' each other with a special, magical currency. Charms enter the economy through mages performing services for the Symposium, such as finding a rare text, scribing a new tome, or serving as a Magistrate. Charms leave the economy, of course, by being used to purchase services directly from the Symposium, whether by tuition fees, for rare supplies, or for some other service.

In addition to the Citadel, full mages of the Symposium are permitted to establish their own dwellings outside of it, if they wish. The Symposium has a number of mages capable of feats of transmutation and reshaping, and can alter and construct an environment and buildings to that mage's liking, for a price. Defensive wards and the like can also be established, again, for a price, by specialists in those fields.

The Economy

The Charm Bank (maintained by the Logician's Branch, see above) is the financial wing of the Symposium, and a not inconsiderable part of its raison d'etre. It operates as a bank that can actually supply the necessary services for powered people, and, in particular, mages.

Only full Mages of the Symposium have all the rights and privileges of the Charm Bank, as many of the activities require the talisman that a Mage receives upon induction into the Symposium. This talisman operates as a mortal's bank might have electronic swipe cards -- they identify the Mage unerringly, and grant access to services at remote locations. All Mages are required to know the necessary cantrips (the Charm Cantrips) before receiving their talisman. This allows them to, regardless of location, directly check their balance with the bank, and even make withdrawals and grant the charms to another Mage. (A simple casting of a cantrip of withdrawal will place a magical aura on the index finger of the Mage. Touching this to the talisman of another Mage will deposit the withdrawn amount in their account.)

Charms are difficult to directly equate to zenny. While it is possible to gain zenny in exchange for charms, it is typically a lopsided trade, as charms are of significantly more value to powered people than zenny are.

Typically, a Mage is granted a small amount of charm upon induction, as a congratulatory gift from the Symposium. This is often boosted with gifts from their sponsoring mentor and friends, so initial balances often vary depending on just how popular and well-known new inductees are. Five hundred charms is a common amount, however.

Common Fees of the Charm Bank

Interactions between Mages and non-Mages cannot use charms, obviously, unless the non-Mage has some proxy Mage collecting them. As such, many of the smaller details of life (food and so forth) are commonly paid for in zenny, still. Thus, such details are not shown. As well, the exact prices for Mage to Mage services are determined by the Mages in that transaction -- there is no board overseeing them. Most of the items and services shown below are those of the Academy and the Symposium, and are set quite firmly. Those giving a range are more negotiable, or represent a statistical view of variable pricing.

Academy Lecture Hall Rental (small, 50 - 150 people): 50 charm deposit, 200 charm fee.

Academy Lecture Hall Rental (medium, 151 - 250 people): 100 charm deposit, 300 charm fee.

Academy Lecture Hall Rental (large, 251+ people): 150 charm deposit, 500 charm fee.

Construction Fees: 95% of construction on the Symposium Isle is done by magical constructs (golems, in common parlance) in building crews. These are relatively inexpensive, costing only 100 - 400 charms per day, depending on the size of the crew -- the price increases with special purpose constructs and the size of the crew, of course, although the higher priced crews tend to get things built that much faster. The other 5% of construction is done by purely magical means, and is more difficult to give a range of prices for.

Defensive Enchantment: Enchantments on a mage's properties are moderately regulated by the Justiciar -- slaying enchantments and so forth are strongly discouraged. A system for the analysis of enchantments is in place, however, and prices tend to rise exponentially along with the complexity and power of the enchantments. Enchantment designs are assigned a grade by the architect mage, and priced accordingly. This is one of the most competitive businesses for a mage with such a bent, thus, prices vary only slightly.

Land: varies by size and location. Unlike the mortals below them, many mages prefer their privacy -- as such, the more isolated the area, the higher the price. Most bare land begins at approximately 20 charms per square foot. Developed land, or lands with magical significance of some sort, rise in price from there. All unpurchased land belongs to the Symposium government, thus, this is a significant area where charms leave the economy into government hands.

Replacement Mage Talisman: 50 charm punitive fine if broken, 500 charm punitive fine if stolen or lost. 100 charm fee for replacement and tuning. (Fines are appealable to a Magistrate. Fines double in the case of a lost appeal. Replacement fee is not appealable.)

The Libraries

The Symposium maintains a number of libraries, of both magical knowledge and other knowledges.

The libraries of the Symposium are classified as Apprentice, Mage, and Restricted. Apprentice-level libraries are open to practically anyone with a shred of talent, and usually only contain low-level general spells (typically 45 base days or less).

The Mage-level libraries are restricted against anyone who is not a full member of the Symposium. Apprentices may, however, accompany their master into the library, provided they gain permission from the library's administrator first (this is usually not difficult). Gaining a permit for the apprentice to work unsupervised is more difficult. These libraries include most any spell.

Restricted libraries hold the rarest of spells. Generally, those capable of vast destruction and evil are held within these libraries. Special permission must be gained in order to use these libraries. Also classified as Restricted are private libraries which the Symposium holds in trust for mages. Only those mages, or their designated trustee, may permit access to these libraries.

The Population





The Secret

While the link is unacknowledged, as the Cabal of Seasons is a secret society, the Symposium is sponsored by them, in order to succeed in their goal of maintaining magical knowledge. As such, all members of the Cabal of Seasons, while encouraged to contribute resources towards the Symposium, have their membership dues secretly waived.