Prison Island

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The Prison Island is a new project between Cardinal and Alaris, initiated on the cuff of a series of sweeping legislative changes in the former country. Jointly staffed by members from both countries, the enormous island complex has been designed to contain any power wielder that may come its way. Its technology, borrowed from Alaris, can repel nigh-on any plan of break out, from the subtle to the brutish.

Cardinal's elite Ranger Guard are charged with quelling riots inside the complex and ferrying Cardinalian convicts to and from the establishment, in conjunction with a highly trained, secretive cadre of immensely powerful psions from Alaris, who specialize in infiltrating the sentient mind and paralyzing it.

The prison's location and other information has been kept secret from the public in both nations, save from those who absolutely need to know. While a persistant power wielder could likely determine its location, it is shielded from detection by simple sensing of the power signatures of those within it, or by visual detection on overflight -- the entire island is camouflaged to appear as ocean unless one is quite close already.


As a jointly-administered project, the Prison Island is overseen by two separate judicial oversight committees -- one from each country. Each country retains jurisdiction over their own citizens, rather than all inmates being held to the laws of one or the other country. This also extends to punishments inside the Prison Island -- the Alaran Overseers are limited in what psychic punishments they are permitted to inflict on Cardinalian inmates.


When first admitted to the Prison, each inmate is given a thorough medical exam and treated for any disease or plague they might have, before it can sweep through the prison's general population. They are also assigned an inmate number -- these begin with either A or C, depending on their country of origin. In the case that they are a citizen of neither country, they bear the letter of the country that jailed them.

Each inmate is also given a basic set of prison uniforms, a blanket, a canvas sack, and a canteen, and is offered their choice between a basic set of tools and building supplies, or a basic set of farming tools and supplies. They are not permitted more than they can personally carry, without the use of powers.

Available Resources

The inmates have available to them, at various points at the interior wall, the necessities of life. A simple gruel paste is dispensed as a nutritious but bland food, and clean water is readily available. However, the island is certainly not infertile and lifeless -- roaming packs of dinosaurs are included in the island's natural life, and some inmates have taken to ranching these. Others have obtained seeds of various plants and have begun to farm areas of the large island. Naturally, they must also protect these resources from other inmates, and they are not always successful.

For good and productive behaviour (such as the above farming practices) certain rewards are made available to those inmates, such as additional supplies and tools or foods not normally available within the Prison Island. Sometimes, an inmate's friends and family are permitted to visit them (in a secure location). Other benefits to encourage good, well-adjusted behaviour exist as well, all suited to a particular inmate's history and personality.


These defenses, while to some degree created to protect the island, are also designed to keep the inmates in. They are derived from both Alaran and Cardinalian technology, and thus represent a highly-developed and thorough set of capabilities.

  • Signature Shield: No PL can be sensed through the prison's high walls or forcefields -- outsiders cannot sense in, and inmates cannot sense out.
  • Integral Forcefields: The prison's walls are reinforced by forcefields capable of handling vast amounts of powered damage. These forcefields also project over it, sealing off the skies as a means of escape.
    • Teleportation Shield: The integral forcefields built into the prison walls and projecting above it also block most forms of dimensional transit, preventing common teleportation abilities from allowing inmates to escape.
  • Guards: Personnel from the Ranger Guard, and occasionally from the Special Adept Force, are often present at the Prison Island. As well, Alaran Overseers and Mechanikkars are also often present, ready to rein in prison disturbances or block external forces that might attempt to help inmates escape.
  • Auto-targeting Lasers: The prison sports several heavy turrets around its perimeter. These are computer-controlled, with circuits hardened against both EMP and many forms of electronic persuasion, whether mortal or powered. The lasers are programmed to incinerate escaping prisoners or unauthorized incoming forces -- although in the latter case, they will typically fire a warning shot. They can be shut down by the verbal or electronic command of an authorized person -- these being the higher ranking wardens of the Prison.

Locations within the Prison Island

There are many places of interest on the Prison Island. Here are a few:

  • Medical Bay: Inmates who are sick or wounded can appeal for medical treatment. If approved, they will be taken here for medical treatment, then released back into the prison. Occasionally, Aethaen D'Argente has been known to visit the facility to assist with the treatment of inmates.
  • Solitary Confinement: Inmates who are particularly bothersome can be locked away in solitary confinement for a time. These small cells, built into the heavy walls of the Prison Island, are padded to prevent damage to the inmate, and have powered forcefields to prevent damage to the cell. They have no doors -- inmates are teleported into them. They have small dispensers for food and water, as well as a set of the necessary facilities.
  • (More locations to be added. Have a prisoner? Have they built their own place on the island? Add it here!)

Characters at the Prison Island

