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At present, she is known to associate with a like-minded dispenser of justice, the paladin [[Ciel Deschaine]], and her name is rather well-known among the magic-users of Cardinal.  Loved by some, loathed by others, the witch hunter continues her crusade and fights for what she believes is the higher good.
At present, she is known to associate with a like-minded dispenser of justice, the paladin [[Ciel Deschaine]], and her name is rather well-known among the magic-users of Cardinal.  Loved by some, loathed by others, the witch hunter continues her crusade and fights for what she believes is the higher good.
[[Category:Biographies]][[Category:1080i's Characters]]

Latest revision as of 01:53, 23 April 2012

Constance Ina Kaider

Full Name: Constance Ina Kaider
Age: 22 years
Race: Demihuman
Birthplace: Kaider Estates, West City, Cardinal
Status: Active
Faction: Power Wielder Hero, Tier 3



Like most demihumans, Constance has a very distinct appearance. She stands tall for a female, though because she is digitigrade (walks on the tips of her toes) she appears slightly taller than she is. Relaxed, she stands an easy five foot, eleven inches, and tips the scales at a lean one hundred sixty pounds. Her stock is vulpine, and her build reflects this; her body is lean and she is extremely flexible, well-balanced, and quick on her paws.

Her bearing is her most human touch; she carries herself with confidence and authority, chin high and shoulders square. Her body is covered in white fur, contrasting sharply with her curly ebony tresses and emerald eyes. Constance tends to dress conservatively, though has also been known to tastefully flatter her figure from time to time.

Like all of her kin, Constance is also considered to be very attractive. While not nearly so vain as her only brother, her beauty could easily turn a head a second time.


Above all else, Constance is characterized by an almost blind devotion to her cause. This is reflected in her extremely aggressive style of combat, as she almost always places the destruction of those she deems an affront to the Lord above her own safety. She has pushed herself to the brink of death on numerous occasions, and shows no hesitation to continue to do so.

Her techniques are ki-based, and involve the manipulation of slaved souls to enhance her own power and speed or grant her additional abilities. Perhaps her most well-known tendency is to fuse her own soul into the soul of a warg, one that she slew and assimilated at the onset of her training. The result is a drastic increase in her speed and power, often spelling disaster for opponents several times her own strength.

The vixen has been trained specifically to combat magic, and calls herself a witch hunter. When fighting mages, she is quick to go for the tongue and hands, and has even gone as far as to attune her ki to repulse magical energy with the sound of her voice, throwing even the most powerful spells launched at her right back at the source.


Constance was born a little over twenty one years ago as one of nine twins. Her mother Semina Kaider was thought to have been widowed during her pregnancy, as by the time Constance and her siblings were born, their natural father was reported deceased. The circumstances of his death were never revealed.

The vulpine spent the early years of her life as a student of business economics. Being born into an extremely affluent family, grooming her to be an effecient manager of finances and assets was of her mother's primary concern, as it was with her other children as well. By the time she was sixteen, she had already earned two separate four-year degrees, and at the age of twenty one, she is known as the youngest woman to ever hold a doctorates degree.

Outside of her studies, Constance was a timid child with a positive outlook on life. Being isolated from the real world for the majority of her life, she grew to become very naieve, an aspect of her personality that her father later preyed on. Though he had been presumed deceased, it was later revealed to Constance that he had actively been destroying mages for the past two decades, and had chosen her to carry on the torch now that his age had begun to catch up with him. As the Kaiders have been devout Catholics for as far back as their blood runs, Constance readily agreed to train beneath her father.

Over the six months that she was away, her personality began to change gradually. Fueled by a desire to please her father and to perform what she felt was her duty to God, the young woman became drawn into her training with vigor and zeal. It took the better part of a year for her meager ki energies to develop into something that could be used for the purposes that her father groomed her to fulfill, and shortly thereafter she stepped from beneath his wing to face the world on her own.

At present, she is known to associate with a like-minded dispenser of justice, the paladin Ciel Deschaine, and her name is rather well-known among the magic-users of Cardinal. Loved by some, loathed by others, the witch hunter continues her crusade and fights for what she believes is the higher good.