Rules talk:Drain Reduction

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If one attacked for 400% PL, using a technique that had one iteration of Drain Reduction applied, they would expend 300% stamina. Thus, it more or less gives them another 100% PL stamina versus if they didn't have Drain Reduction. However, as Drain Reduction applies to a single tech, and characters generally expend their stamina on more than one tech in a fight, it's actually less efficient than that.

Comparatively, Enhanced Stamina gives 100% PL stamina which may be used for any actions in that PL, yet costs only 60 base days whereas Drain Reduction costs 90 base days to apply to a single tech. This is most likely why people have not been using Drain Reduction. This suggests to me that the price of Drain Reduction should be reduced to better represent its utility. -Hroefn T 10:01, 6 February 2013 (PST)

When applied correctly this technique can get more work done then enhanced stamina, just not out the gate. Imagine a character with an item technique weapon with drain reduction that pretty strictly uses their sword for combat. At character creation for 180 days you yes have about as much extra stamina to use as the 120 day +200% to stamina. But, when you purchase extra stamina lets say 2 enhanced stamina with your 2 drain reductions, for 300 days you have 1200% effective stamina. While with 300 days of enhanced stamina you are also at 900% effective stamina. Though your first option only has an actual stamina of 600% you are spending it 2/1, and you are much further from the 1300% stamina cap with Drain Reduction. NicholasDeLeone
Yes, a combination of Drain Reduction and Enhanced Stamina will give you better results than either alone, your math is correct, but it overlooks two things. First, stamina attacks are quite common now, given their efficiency and that there is racial overlay template that grants them freely. Enhanced Stamina gives you a larger pool of 'durability' against such attacks -- drain reduction does not. Secondly, I want to reemphasize the point that while you've posited a character that strictly attacks with a sword and that's all they do in combat, how likely is that to be true? I would say that almost all characters, certainly all of the top-notch ones, use multiple techniques throughout combat to be as effective as they are. Certainly it's impossible to do as you've described with a MagPL-based character, given that they need other techniques to activate durability, at minimum. -Hroefn T 10:25, 6 February 2013 (PST)
With enough support for this notion, I would be willing to cut down the price to maybe 75 or even 60 base days. --Marcus
Looking at the numbers, I'd think 60 is fair, as you are getting 100% on 400%. 75 is okay too. --Ff0ecaf 10:32, 10 February 2013 (PST)