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Full Name: Casimir Medus'ai Acerbi
Age: 18 Years
Race: Tephran
Birthplace: Tephra
Status: Active
Power Type: Psionic

Original Techniques

Passive Abilities

Geneseed of the Ni'ai

Schule Training Opened Mind (S Rank)

Common Techniques

Passive Upgrades

Techniques In Progress



Umbral Familiar: Casimir does not wear clothing in the normal sense. Instead, his fur is constantly cloaked in a shifting veil of shadow that preserves his modesty. This umbral familiar can also be used (albeit clumsily) in place of telekinesis.

Vocalist: Verbal communication is not often used on Tephra, given that their particular brand of colorful telepathy is far more expressive and accurate when conveying ideas. A scarce few of Casimir's race do enjoy the sound of the physical voice as a sort of artistic expression. He is somewhat well known in these circles for being a talented singer with a varied range.

Mindvoice: Tephrans speak using a variant form of telepathy that is also visually-engaging, often conveying ideas through the use of psychically-projected colors that match their words and projected emotions. Casimir speaks with a distinct, almost regal dialect that is far more delicate, than normal Tephran mindspeak. It is more easily understood by those who cannot use telepathy themselves.

Physical Appearance

Casimir stands five feet and eight inches tall, and is slight of frame. His features are that of a vulpine demihuman, and in the most general of terms he can easily pass for an Earthling despite his wildly different ancestry.


Born on Tephra without any particular psionic talent, despite a latent ability to wield psychic power, Casimir has led an unremarkable life with only a handful of friends as he is more or less estranged from his immediate family. Given that he had only the faintest trace of psionic power, he found that fitting in with his more talented peers was a difficult, if not impossible proposition. This led him to be selective about the friends he made, and to value their affection and loyalty more than he cared for anything else in his life. Despite the strong attachments he formed on his homeworld, he was soon torn by conflicting desires when an opportunity arose for him to study abroad at a university that tailored to students with his particular disability. After regretfully bidding farewell to his small group of close friends, he secured passage to Earth, and has taken to training under Sallah's wing at the Schule vom Gemut.