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Full Name: Mirna Balore Age: 21
Race: Unicorn
Birthplace: Westphalia, D'hennex
Status: Active
Power Type: Friendship

Original Techniques

Though her knowledge of magic is vast, in practice Ifimira is a duelist by trade. To her, magic is used for two purposes; self defense, and single combat with others of her kin for sport. To that end, she is highly-skilled at controlling the pace of a duel, and most at home when facing a single opponent one on one with no outside distractions.


Infinitim Arcana: In practice, many mages utilize very few spells learned in their entirety, and instead use abilities to quickly cast powerful spells that they haven't completely mastered. In most cases, this is more efficient. In Ifimira's, however, all of her spells are mastered completely before being used. This ability allows her to research her magics beyond the advanced level, making her more proficient with them than any other could hope to be without matching her level of dedication and study.
Mastered Spells: Counterspell, Great Magic Barrier, Mana Surge
Dual-Wielding: After mastering the use of a wand, Ifimira was introduced to the concept of using a casting focus in tandem with it. She wields both proficiently, and can empower her spells to a greater degree than someone using only one weapon.


Barrier: A standard ward spell, creating a bubble of energy that protects the caster from harm.
Counterspell: This spell unravels the magic of others, then turns it back upon the source. When utilized properly, it combines its power with the power of the countered spell, along with its speed.
Upgrades: Celerity, Unison
Mana Surge: As implied by the name, this is a burst of raw mana, channeled into heat, light, and energy. It is used as a basic attack spell.
Mend Barrier: A simple spell that allows for fissures and breaks in Ifimira's ward to be repaired on the fly.
Libram Arcana: This ability improves the power of spells learned at the advanced level. In most cases, the efficacy of these spells is doubled.
Studious Eye: Ifimira has the ability to empower any spell she has completely mastered, but also the ability to easily unmake magic that is not enacted with the same knowledge base and care that she uses when casting her own magic. Basic spells typically are torn to shreds with little in the way of effort, thanks to her keen eye.
Upgrades: Celerity I
Potency III


Drapery of Deflected Blows: A cloak, woven by a skilled tailor to imbue itself passively with the latent magic surrounding the wearer. The cloak can turn away sword and arrow alike.
Dueling Wand: Once Ifimira's most prized possession, this wand is formed from the braided horn of a unicorn. Because it was once part of a living thing, it greatly reduces the strain that casting spells puts on Ifimira.
Horn of the Invoker: A gift given to Ifimira by the blacksmith of the Court of Beasts, this Foxfire Steel horn is fused to the stump where her true horn once was. It is a casting focus that increases the power and speed of her spells, along with granting other boons.
Silken Sash of the Magi: A band of silk worn about the waist. It allows the wearer to double the power of a spell on a whim, though only a limited number of times per week. Treads of Celerity: A pair of fancy shoes that let man slip the surly bonds of the Earth and take to the skies.

Society Techniques

Kitsune-Bi Dojo Jade Garden Precipice of Knowledge Precipice of Power Tribute to Inari I

Common Techniques

Passive Abilities
WP4: Wands
WP4: Horn of the Invoker

Techniques In Progress

Libram Arcana


All-Nighter: Ifimira has legendary endurance when it comes to studying, and her love of magic and thirst for knowledge has left her often staying up days on end with her nose glued to the pages of some musty old tome.

Acadamia; Most at home in a classroom or lecture hall Ifimira has a great love for teachers, and being taught.

Detect Purity; It's a skill unicorns have.

True Form; Ifimira is the daughter of a unicorn and a human woman. Like her father, she has the ability to shapeshift between these two forms, though unlike him she cannot concentrate enough to maintain the form in combat.

Physical Appearance

Height; 5 feet, 6 inches
Weight; 135 lbs
Hair; Purple
Eyes; Purple

Ifimira appears mostly human, save for her strange hair and eye colors. She used to possess a horn of bone that spiraled away from her forehead, but after it was broken off it has been replaced with a prosthetic made of Foxfire Steel.


Ifimira is the daughter of Enja Balore, a once renowned mage who was cast out of Westphalia for his hand in a plot to discredit the leader of his Mage's Guild chapter and assume it for himself. Despite his shameful crime, his human wife remained loyal to him as he fled D'hennex and relocated to Cardinal. Wishing for his daughter to have a place within the same guild he had been thrown out of, he did not give her a surname, and allowed his wife's family to look after her in his place.

Thus, the girl was raised in Westphalia, and discovered after a time that she had an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a natural talent to control magic. She became a permanent fixture in many a lecture hall and classroom, and was selected for a foreign exchange program which would send her and her closest friend to Cardinal. She looks to be reunited with her birth parents (with whom she has had sparse contact over the years), and remains giddy with anticipation at the opportunity to study at the Arcaneum itself.