Daiku no Honoka

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Full Name: Daiku no Honoka
Age: 1,337
Race: Daemon Ifrit
Status: Active, Declared Villain
Power Type: Ki

Original Techniques

Passive Abilities

Vepar's Unquenchable Thirst
Might of Asmodai
Dantalion's Resolve (+3)
Orobas the Unyielding
The Many Eyes of Legion
Xaphan's Indomitable Will (+2)


Cerberus and Orochi (+4)
Uniting the Host
Rise, Cerberus

North City: 0%
South City: 0%
East City: 16%
West City: 0%
Cardinal City: 0%

Common Techniques


Focused Offense
Focused Defense


Aggressive Mind
Defensive Mind
Basic Teleport




Defiance (+1)
Passive Extra Actions

Techniques In Progress



In progress...

Physical Appearance

Honoka is a Daemon Ifrit, and her race comes in many shapes and sizes. She has pale blue skin, and generally appears to be moving about in the nude. Around her waist, three living, snarling heads of the demon Cerberus can be seen, and from her back an oozing mess of slimy tentacles reaches out in every direction. Honoka is odd mix of the beautiful and the grotesque, which suited her intended purpose as a pleasure slave to her demon lord rather well until she slew him her first night on the job.


Honoka was born, or rather created, about 1,500 years ago in Hell, or what most refer to as the Next Dimension. Her intended purpose was to be a pleasure slave for a high-ranking demon lord. In their haste to present their newly-created Daemon Ifrit to him, they did not take a moment to examine her thoroughly enough to realize that she was not only capable of defending herself, but disinclined to the particular profession that had been chosen for her. In short, she slew the demon lord. While this would have normally been punishable by an eternity of torment, the demon lord's brother was impressed enough to take her as a ward and pit her against others of her kind in the arenas.

For hundreds of years she fought without a single defeat. After growing bored of the arena, she simply left. As she was a slave, and essentially property, a search party was formed to find her, which she promptly slaughtered. When her master came looking himself, he met a similar end. Deciding that she had far too much potential to waste it bending to the wills of others, she began an outright war within hell, and conquered the vast majority of it before a desperate, united effort managed to strip her of the majority of her power, then expel her out of Hell and into the physical realm.

Old habits die hard, and arriving at nearly the same time as the Saiyan armada has invaded has gotten her in a conquesty mood once again.