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This page will carry definitions for a variety of terms, both for the OOC rules, and for IC clarification as well.



  • Concussive Force: Concussive force, such as that generated by a Ki Aura Explosion, is a shoving force, and does not directly deal damage. If a target is pushed by concussive force into an obstacle, then they generally suffer damage equal to a third of the concussive force's strength. Normal damage (such as that from a ki blast) typically also pushes just like concussive force, but deals damage normally instead of only when the victim is pushed into an obstacle.


  • Focus Action: When an action is labelled as a focus action, this means that it takes more concentration than usual to succeed in it. Typically, this means that the action takes at least one complete post to perform, and that if the character takes more damage than their concentration threshold (by default, 10% of the character's TotalPL) then the action fails. Some focus actions may take even more than this (ie, requiring the character to not be hit at all, or taking two or more rounds to complete), but a focus action will never be less than this. One example of a focus action is suppressing a power level.


  • Gimme: A basic ability that possessing a given type of power level grants to a character. A ki wielder's ability to throw ki blasts is an example of a gimme. Compare: Technique.


  • Homing: A projectile attack that is upgraded with Homing will automatically follow its target if they attempt to dodge. Unless upgraded to specify otherwise, a homing attack cannot be altered or manipulated by its creator after being launched, however, it requires no special concentration on the user's part for it to home in on its target after being launched. A homing attack will specify how many degrees of homing it has, this specifies how far it can turn in a given round -- the higher the number is, the more difficult the attack is to evade. Homing is sometimes also called Tracking. Compare: Steering.


  • IP: Abbreviation for In Progress. Used in taglines to indicate a technique that a character is in the process of developing.


  • Miniplot: This is a storyline that may happen simultaneously with a Plot, and is usually of lesser scope, affecting at most one or two settings or major cities. These are often run by chatters. Compare: Plot.


  • PL: Abbreviation for Power Level. When by itself in a tagline, usually means KiPL. This is usually only seen on very old characters, from when KiPL was the only PL in the room. The four Power Levels are KiPL, PsiPL, MagPL, and PhysPL. TotalPL is sometimes also seen, which means the sum total of all PL types a character possesses.
  • Plot: Also known as a Major Plot, this word by itself often is used to identify a room-wide storyline that affects the entire world of the room. These define the major sagas that can be seen on the main Wiki page, such as The First To Fall. They are usually organized and run primarily by staff, although chatters are often invited to contribute or play plot characters. Major Plots are sometimes based on chatter-created elements, such as the saga Etiquette of Reform. Compare: Miniplot.
  • PT: Abbreviation for Passive Training. Used in taglines to indicate when a given character was last played. This is the most common means of developing techniques. For more information, see Rules: Passive Training.


  • Steering: A projectile attack with steering can be manually controlled at a distance by its creator, allowing them to use their action to manipulate it at a distance instead of performing other actions. That is, an attack upgraded with steering does not automatically home in by itself, but requires user intervention to change its course. Like homing, it should have a number of degrees specified to determine how far it can be turned in a given round. Compare: Homing.


  • Technique: A special ability that a character possesses. This may be an Original Technique that the character's owner wrote or learnt from someone else, or a Common Technique, one of the generic techniques prepared by staff. In any case, it allows the character a special ability that is fully defined within itself, or improves another ability that the character already possesses. Compare: Gimmes.


  • Virtual Speed: A modifier to normal speed that is sometimes applied to represent things that are not speed, but affect combat in a similar way. Virtual speed is sometimes listed alongside a normal speed value, for situations in which actual distance covered and ability to perceive speed is more important than virtual values. Virtual speed is commonly used to express skill, such as in the various "proficiency" common techs, but can also be used in the positive to indicate how hard a large attack is to avoid, or in the negative to indicate clumsiness, inaccuracy, and in the case of dodge movement, being a large target. Like normal speed, virtual speed is rules-enforced and thus, attaining it requires a tech. In a nutshell, when normal and virtual speeds are listed for an attack, the normal speed dictates how hard it is to accurately perceive, and the virtual speed specifies how difficult it is to dodge.


  • Zenny: Zenny is the official currency of Cardinal. A zenny is approximately equivalent in value to $0.01 USD. However, as the nature of Cardinal is different from the real world, some things are less or more expensive. Staples of food are approximately the same, for example, but advancements such as capsulization miniaturization and fusion power have significantly reduced energy and manufacturing costs.