Rules:Empirical Industries/Colonization

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Phase 1: Scouting

Empirical may train and equip a planetary survey team for X EU.

Hire an Empirical recon team for 21 EU/week. They can survey one planet per week. Additional teams may be hired for the same price, either to survey additional planets, or to refine the first team's findings.

Weekly, produce a 1d4 roll. For each point, one planetary modification is randomly selected via 1d100. The list of planetary modifications may be expanded later, with the staff's permission. If a planetary modification is selected multiple times, it stacks unless otherwise specified in the modifier description. If the roll produces a number for which there is no modification, that roll produces no change in the planet. For each additional team hired to refine the findings of the first team, the rolls for modification may be changed by a total of 10 points spread across all rolls -- not 10 points per roll.

01 - 09: Moon: The planet has one moon. Roll 1d20+15 to determine how often it is full.
10 - 15 Mineral Rich: Colony automatically produces an additional 1d10 EU production roll per day.
20 - 24: Rarity: Roll twice more for planet modifiers.
25 - 30: Crystal Core: The planet has significant deposits of psionically-useful crystals. All psions have an effective 1.1x PL multiplier when within the planet's atmosphere.
45 - 50: Syzygy: The celestial alignment of this colony is magically significant. All mages have an effective 1.1x PL multiplier when within the planet's atmosphere.
51 - 60: Moon: The planet has one moon. Roll 1d20+15 to determine how often it is full.
65 - 70: Mineral Ultra-rich: Colony automatically produces an additional 2d10 EU production roll per day.
71 - 80: Moon: The planet has one moon. Roll 1d20+15 to determine how often it is full.
85 - 90 Spiritual Nexus: The planet, for some reason, is rich with spiritual energies, which may be drawn upon. All ki wielders have an effective 1.1x PL multiplier when within the planet's atmosphere.
95 - 99: Natural Energy Sink: All power wielders are at an effective 0.5x PL multiplier. All power wielders gain an additional 1% gain rate, 2% gain cap. Multiples decrease the multiplier by 0.1x, and increase the gain rate by +1%. At 0.3x, mortals cannot survive. At 0.0x, the planet is quarantined, and colonization is not permitted. Empirical will refund their survey costs for that week.
100: Perfect Match: Ignore all other rolls. Select up to five modifications (except Rarity) of your choice -- the survey team found a planet that exactly matches your specifications! This result may only be rolled naturally -- you may not modify die rolls to get this result.

It is up to the client to decide whether they like the planet. If they do, they may colonize it. If not, it is added to Empirical's records, and future (less picky) clients may skip this phase by simply selecting a known uncolonized planet. Clients have six months to come up with the funding for colonization, otherwise, the planet is fair game for Empirical to offer to others to colonize.

Phase 2: Colonization

Colonizer (either singly or as a group) produces 45 EU to pay for colonization.

Price is constant for basic colonization, regardless of planetary circumstances. Basic colonization includes a modular 'town centre' that can provide all necessary facilities until the colony begins to grow, including a nanofactory to produce basic required goods, hydroponic food production, barracks-type quarters, communications centre to provide wireless communication access, and portal facility. The facility is sufficiently rugged to withstand a wide variety of local planetary conditions, including being submerged, as it is designed to be capable of being deployed even on an oceanic planet.

Basic colonization package also includes automated resource harvesting facilities, providing a 1d10 EU roll daily for the planet. Production can be expended to enhance planetary facilities, for example, or be paid out as EU dividends to those who paid for the colonization (Empirical will generally buy raw resources for their production, enabling EU to be directly converted into currency). Production facilities may be enhanced, increasing the planetary income to a maximum of 10d10 EU rolls daily.

Phase 3: Governance

New colony may elect to be independent, or join the Empirical Confederation of Colonies (ECC).

Should they elect to be independent, then they are pretty much entirely on their own. Empirical will provide limited portal travel, and humanitarian evacuation in the case of disaster. Maintaining the portal costs them 10 EU / month, and provides not only instant interstellar travel, but also interstellar communication links. They may control who has permission to travel through the portal onto the planet. Empirical will allow anyone to leave the planet via portal, provided they are not hostile.

Should they elect to join the ECC, then local issues remain completely under their control, including form of government, the local laws that are passed, and immigration. They are required to supply the ECC with a minimum of 5 EU / month for maintenance costs, although this may be waived by the Curia if the colony is in dire straits (e.g., under attack, plague, etc).

External affairs (incl. emigration, diplomatic treaties, etc) are handled by the Empirical federal system, which they may send a representative to. They are required to set aside a parcel of land for Empirical's dedicated use, which they may use to build their local support facilities upon. Federal agents have investigative and arrest jurisdiction in member colonies. They may only arrest locals for violating local laws, however. Joining the ECC provides support in case of disasters and the option of new colony loan support.

Currency used is the ECC megacredit, as employed by Safehouse. ECC dues are scheduled for payment on the first of each month, beginning after the first full month since the colony was established. (That is, if the colony was established on the fifteenth of January, dues would not be paid until the first of March.)

Confederation Curia: Based on the Safehousian Curia. Each colony may send up to three representatives, and may divide their votes between those three however that planet decides (e.g., equally, one senior rep with more voting power, one rep with all the votes and two assistants with no voting power but possessing seats and the right to speak, etc). Voting strength is divided between the colonies based on their contribution to the confederation. For example, if 100 megacredits have been contributed to federal coffers over the last year, then for each megacredit provided, that colony gets 1% of the votes for their representatives. While this conceivably means that votes could literally be bought, all colonies can see support delivered in realtime, which means that if one colony tries to buy their way to a winning vote that only benefits them, the other colonies can combine their resources to stop them. Votes can be held electronically, with authenticated systems available at any colony headquarters or Empirical facility, without the Curia gathering physically in one place. Discussions are often held in simulated reality rooms or in virtual reality immersions, removing the necessity of gathering all Curia members together at once.

A colony may elect to secede from the ECC at any point, unless they have received new colony funding. Any new colony loans must be repaid before the colony is permitted to secede. Secession will take effect sixty days after the Curia is informed of that, by which point, all ECC facilities will be shut down and recovered from the colony.