Stricta Plantae

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This is the story-based description of Stricta Plantae. For the official rules on Stricta Plantae characters, go here.

Only recently have the plant people made their appearance on Earth. They have spent a majority of their trip to the planet scanning it's surface, and plotting it's geography on their mapping systems. The Earth has been added to the data banks of the Stricta Plantae and now they are ready to make themselves known to the people of earth.

Origin & History

The species comes from deep within the galaxy. They’re planet is covered in natural light 24 hours every day. There are several light producing planets that orbit the home world. There society is highly conservative, and is lead by a semi-monarchy, where the ruler makes a decision and then the noble houses vote to it’s resolution. Technology is highly advanced on the planet. The Stricta Plantae have developed robots to mine and work underground. The people often build virtual intelligent machines to do their menial task’s. As such it isn’t unlikely to find a robot of some type accompanying them. The species is not inherently war like, preferring a quick conflict resolution without any violence. But in recent times they have been known to unleash weapons of power unlike most in the galaxy.

Every Stricta Plantae is a member of one of the four royal houses. This is a fact of who they come from. It isn’t to say that every being is royal, it is to say that every being has a place in society. A group to call family as it were. Most Stricta accept their roles in their houses, but a rare few choose to exile themselves from such, ‘restrictions.’ The exiled are not necessarily as it were exiled, they are however looked down upon, and frowned at. These exiles can hope to only gain work as a laborer, and will be assigned exclusively tasks that most Stricta task with their robots alone.

A Stricta is a never ending cycle of life. Meaning that every Stricta that has died on the home planet is considered to have attributed itself to the birth of others through it’s decomposition. A Stricta can live as long as it gains natural energy from the sun, soil, and nutritional food stuffs composed of basic compounds that support a plants cells. This is not to say that a Stricta will never age to a point of death, but it is to say that the race is incredibly long lived. With the current ruler having ruled for the past 600 years.

Noble Houses of The Stricta Plantae

House Adrian:-

By and far the most noteworthy for cunning, and mischievous things. This house is more of a darker side of life. They deal with things concerning information gathering. They have the highest amount of active scouts and spies among any other house at their employ. They have been known to use torture as a means to gain information. Torture of course is not an official course to discern information when dealing with other races, or suspected criminals, but this House has and willingly enact such a deplorable techniques when questions need answers.

House Magne:-

Enforcers of the noble houses. These are the guards, sentry men, and judges that make up the order to Plantae society. It is the duty of these nobles to make sure Plantae society in a whole is well protected. This house has control of the military force for the entire Plantae. They are also most even handed when rulings need to be made.

House Sadik:-

The original ruling house of the Plantae. This house is were nobility was first started. All of the original rulers of Plantae society stem from this house. They are final mediators for all rulings set forth by the other two houses. They serve as diplomats and ambassadors when dealing with other races. Without this houses counsel any major military action cannot be enacted. The counsel of House Sedik is known as overtly cautious when dealing with new threats. But it is to say in the end this house knows the wages of mass war more than any other.

House Kasen:-

This is a house that has within the last 500 years gained notoriety. They make standards and rulings on things such as artificial, and virtual intelligence. They also set electronic signal parameters. They control production on all major robotic manufacturing, and are in charge of adapting new technologies. It is said there is not a piece of technology they do not know about.